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Reading at St Oswald's


So how often should you be reading with your child?

Our answer to that is "As often as possible!" Our aim is that all parents are reading with their children every single night. That is why the new reading diaries have a section for each day of the week and an entire week on a page. We want to track how often children are reading as we know this impacts hugely on their progress in all areas. We believe that we should always aim as high as possible. As children get older you may read with them less as they choose to read independently but you can still keep those shared reading experiences going until your child leaves primary school.  

Recommended book lists for each Year Group

The documents below are lists of suitable and recommended books for each year group. They make great ideas for Christmas and Birthday presents as well as a go to resources if your child is just looking for something to read. They are also a good starting opint if you are looking for a Birthday Book for your child to present to his/her class. The lists are not exhaustive - there are thousands of great books out there. They are also pitched at the average level for that year so if your child is a particularly avid and confident reader you may want to look at the year above. Alternatively you may like to look at the year below if your child is still developing their reading skills. 

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